Saturday, May 29, 2010


Sunday afternoon we'll be flying to Shanghai. This will be the first visit to the mainland for Joy and me. Hui-Ling's younger brother works in Shanghai. Expo 2010, or in other words, the 2010 World's Fair is happening now. We plan to visit.

The photo above is Chinese Yuan, which we'll use there. Taiwan has it's own currency.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Goose Blood

Did I get your attention? After we took our things to my sister-in-law's apartment, we decided to get a snack. Across the street is a goose restaurant. These blocks of rice are the first things that were brought to us. I tried one, suspecting a certain ingredient was present. I was correct. These are made of rice and goose blood. Actually it was not bad.

It's 1:57 AM here and I just about fell out of the chair fast asleep. Time for bed.

We're in Taiwan!

Thank you for visiting.  The photo above is our first plane, waiting for us at Harrisburg International Airport. We had a great friend drive us there, and saw another friend there who works there.

We made it to Taiwan with no problems. Left the house at 5:45 am. Flew Harrisburg to Chicago, Chicago to Tokyo, and Tokyo to Kaohsiung (pronounced gaoshung). We had layovers of at least a few hours each in Chicago and Tokyo. We arrived in Kaohsiung right around 10 pm the next day. That's a lot of traveling.

As a first taste, here's a youtube link that does a great job of showing some of Taiwan's wonderful things.

Enjoy it, and check back later for more.